
English-Greek Dictionary

A Vocabulary of the Attic Language by S.C. Woodhouse


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Sabines . Σαβῖνοι, οἱ.
Sable . adj. P. and V. μέλᾱς, V. κελαινός, ἐρεμνός, μελάγχῐμος, μελάμπεπλος.
Sabre . subs. Use sword.
Sacae . Σάκαι, οἱ.
Sacerdotal . adj. P. ἱερατικός.
Sack . subs. Ar. σάκκος, ὁ, P. and V. ἀσκός, ὁ, θύ̄λᾰκος, ὁ (Eur., Cycl.). Pillage: P. and V. ἁρπά̆γη, ἡ, or pl. in V., P. πόρθησις, ἡ. Capture: P. and V. ἅ̆λωσις, ἡ.
Sack (1) . v. trans. P. and V. πορθεῖν, ἐκπορθεῖν, διᾰπορθεῖν, ἁρπάζειν, ἀ̆ναρπάζειν, διαρπάζειν, σῡλᾶν, φέρειν, λῄζεσθαι, P. ἄγειν καὶ φέρειν, λῃστεύειν, διαφορεῖν, V. πέρθειν, ἐκπέρθειν (also Plat. but rare P.); see plunder. Sack in return: V. ἀντῐπορθεῖν.
Sacred . adj. P. and V. ἱερός, ὅσιος (when contrasted with ἱερός, ὁσιος = profane, secular), σεμνός, V. ἱ̄ρός, ἁγνός, σεπτός, Ar. and P. ἅ̆γιος. Sacred to: P. and V. ἱερός (gen.), V. ἱ̄ρός (gen.); see consecrated. Inviolable: P. and V. ἄ̆σῡλος, V. ἀ̆σύ̄λητος ; see inviolable. Sacred war: P. ὁ ἱερὸς πόλεμος (Thuc. 1, 112), πόλεμος Ἀμφικτυονικός (Dem. 275). Sacred rites: see rites.
Sacredness . subs. Use P. and V. τὸ σεμνόν, σεμνότης, ἡ, Ar. and V. σέβᾰς, τό. Inviolability: V. ἀ̆σῡλία. ἡ.
Sacrifice . subs. P. and V. θῠσία, ἡ, θῦμα, τό ; see also rite, slaughter. Victim: P. and V. θῦμα, τό. σφά̆γιον, τό (generally pl.), Ar. and P. ἱερεῖον, τό, Ar. and V. σφᾰγεῖον, τό, V. θύος, τό, θῠτήριον, τό, πρόσφαγμα, τό χρηστήριον, τό ; see victim. For account of sacrifice see Eur., Electra, 800 to 838. Fit for sacrifice (of a beast), adj.: Ar. θύ̆σῐμος. Burnt offering: V. ἔμπῠρα, τά. Initiatory sacrifice: P. and V. προτέλεια, τά (Plat.), Ar. προθύ̄μᾰτα, τά. Make sacrifice: P. and V. θύ̄ειν, P. ἱερὰ ποιεῖν, ἱεροποιεῖν, V. ῥέζειν, θῡηπολεῖν (also Plat. but rare P.). Make rich sacrifice: V. πολυθύτους τεύχειν σφαγάς (Soph., Tr. 756). Sacrifices at crossing (a river, etc.): P. διαβατήρια, τά (Thuc. 5, 54). Obtain favourable omens in a sacrifice, v.: Ar. and P. καλλιερεῖσθαι. The flame of sacrifice: V. θυηφά̆γος φλόξ ἡ (Æsch., Ag. 597). The altar of sacrifice: V. δεξί̆μηλος ἐσχά̆ρα ἡ (Eur., And. 1138). On the altar of sacrifice: Ar. βουθύτοις ἐπʼ ἐσχάραις (Av. 1232). The town is filled with sacrifices by my seers to rout the enemy and the city: V. θυηπολεῖται δʼ ἄστυ μάντεων ὕπο τροπαῖα τʼ ἐχθρῶν καὶ πόλει σωτήρια (Eur., Heracl. 401). On days of sacrifice: V. βουθύτοις ἐν ἤμασι (Æsch., Choe. 261). Magistrates who look after sacrifices: P. ἱεροποιοί, οἱ. The reek of sacrifice: Ar. ἱερόθῠτος καπνός, ὁ ; see reek. Met., loss: P. ἀποβολή, ἡ. You alone of the Greeks ought to make this sacrifice for us: P. ὀφείλετε μόνοι τῶν Ἑλλήνων τοῦτον τὸν ἔρανον (Isoc. 307E).
Sacrifice (1) . v. trans. P. and V. θύ̄ειν (ῠ Eur., El. 1141), V. σφάζειν, ἐκθύ̄ειν, ῥέζειν, ἔρδειν. Have sacrificed: P. and V. θύεσθαι (mid.). Sacrifice after: V. ἐπισφάζειν. Sacrifice before: P. and V. προθύειν, V. προσφάζειν. Sacrifice over: V. ἐπισφάζειν (τινά τινι). Sacrifice with another: P. and V. συνθύειν (absol. or dat.). Absol., do sacrifice: see under sacrifice, subs.; Sacrifice bulls: V. ταυροκτονεῖν. Sacrifice sheep: Ar. and V. μηλοσφᾰγεῖν. Sacrifice oxen: V. βουσφᾰγεῖν, Ar. and V. βουθῠτεῖν. Met., give up (persons or things): P. and V. προδί̆δοναι, P. προΐεσθαι. Give up (things): P. and V. προπί̄νειν. Expend: P. and V. ἀ̆νᾱλίσκειν. Lose: Ar. and P. ἀ̆ποβάλλειν. Sacrifice (one thing to another): P. ὕστερον νομίζειν (τι πρός τι), V. ἱστά̆ναι (τι ὄπισθέ τινος). I did not sacrifice the rights of the many to the favour of the few rich: P. οὐ τὰς παρὰ τῶν πλουσίων χάριτας μᾶλλον ἢ τὰ τῶν πολλῶν δίκαια εἱλόμην (Dem. 263). Sacrificing the welfare of your country to the delight and gratification of hearing scandal: P. τῆς ἐπὶ ταῖς λοιδορίαις ἡδονῆς καὶ χάριτος τὸ τῆς πόλεως συμφέρον ἀνταλλασσόμενοι (Dem. 273).
Sacrificer . subs. V. θῠτήρ, ὁ, or use Ar. and V. θυηπόλος, ὁ.
Sacrificial . adj. Ar. and V. βούθῠτος, θυηπόλος, V. θυστά̆ς (with fem. substantives). Sacrificial bowl: Ar. and V. σφᾰγεῖον, τό. Sacrificial knife: V. σφᾰγί̆ς, ἡ, σφᾰγεύς, ὁ.
Sacrilege . subs. Robbing of temples: P. ἱεροσυλία, ἡ. Commit sacrilege, v.: Ar. and P. ἱεροσῡλεῖν. Impiety: P. and V. ἀ̆σέβεια, ἡ, V. δυσσέβεια, ἡ. Act of impiety: P. ἀσέβημα. Commit impiety, v.: P. and V. ἀ̆σεβεῖν, V. δυσσεβεῖν, θεοβλᾰβεῖν.
Sacrilegious . adj. P. and V. ἄ̆θεος, ἀ̆νόσιος, ἀ̆σεβής, δυσσεβής (Dem. 332 but rare P.), V. δύσθεος, ἄ̆σεπτος. Sacrilegious man, subs.: Ar. and P. ἱερόσῡλος, ὁ.
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